There is a book inside every one of us waiting to be written : author Carol Paul Joseph


    Stating that there is a dearth of poetry books in stores due to lack of interest, author Carol Paul Joseph said that there is a book inside all of us waiting to be written.

    He was speaking at the release of his first poetry book titled Beginnings, which is written in Iambic Verse.

    Author Carol Paul Joseph

    Also present were Guest of honour Rohit Gera, Managing Director of Gera Builders, Sheryl Afonso, Head of Department of Food Technology, Carmel College, and Runa Menezes, copywriter and training consultant.

    Rohit Gera, Managing Director of Gera Builders and Author Carol Paul Joseph

    “All of us have a book inside of us, it just never comes out. I always wanted to write. I was told at book stores there are no sections on poetry books. In fact, I was told to write prose. No one reads verse, I was told. But I like verse. I want to keep Iambic verse alive,” he said.

    Stating that the challenge is to write Iambic Verse line after line and also poetry, he said, “Anything we do must have authenticity and emanate from the principles will live by, the principles we espouse and the actions will live by. Every poetry must have authenticity. I have tried to write about different themes and peoples experiences like what siblings and friends went through. I hope to write a longer play verse based on Hindu and Christian mythology,” he said.

    Appreciating the book, Gera applauded Joseph’s effort in releasing the book.

    Front Cover of

    Last Cover of Book

    “Even before you take the plunge of doing it, one will grapple with ‘should I do it? Am I good enough? Will anyone read it? Why will anyone read it? And how will it be received? You create something which can be viewed through so many lenses and it appeals to people from different walks of life through different perspectives. When you do this, you bring out the skill of the artist,” he said.

    Menezes said that the collection of poems has an organic flow and progression of themes. “The poems are an affirmation of the goodness of human nature and assertion of faith and a reminder of good relations,” she added.

    D’Souza said that Joseph is very emphatic, well read and involved.

    “I have learnt from this, the art of being patient. I am sure this book will hold a pride of place on the shelves of all schools, colleges and universities across the country,” she emphasised.

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